commit and push all the change that you want to see online on the project files/residorg-php-restyling get the short commit reference (take the first 7 character of the commit , git log -1" LAST_VERSION_OF_RESYTILING = 0.4.40 in files/residorg-php-restyling: 1) git tag VERSION_OF_RESYTILING 2) git push 3) git push --tags //DO THIS FIRST git checkout [nameOfBranch] : for to set the git branch then go to the docker-residorg-2020-web root and #1 git commit -a -m "update app to commit PUT_HERE_COMMIT_VALUE" #2 git tag 0.1-VERSION_OF_RESYTILING-PUT_HERE_COMMIT_VALUE #3 git push && git push --tags #4 git push --tags ** if error after #3 add : git pull and retry** f you want to automatically get the short commit form use git log -n10 --pretty=format:"%C(magenta)%h%Creset %C(blue)%ad%Creset %<(100)%s %C(cyan)[%an]%Creset" --date=short **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** docker run -d --restart=always -v c/Users/work/docker-residorg-2020-web/files/residorg-php-restyling://var/www/html -p 8080:80 --link docker-residorg-mysql -e DB_HOST=docker-residorg-mysql -e DB_DBA_UID=root -e DB_DBA_PWD=allora --name residorg-2020-web docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) to clear images 3. open git bash and cd into the work directory 4. import it executing the following command docker load -i docker-residorg-mysql2.tar 5. instantiate a container with docker run -d --restart=always --name docker-residorg-mysql docker-residorg-mysql:0.1 /************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* when modification from other go to the docker-residorg-2020-web root git submodule update --init --recursive ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** generate the documentation docker exec -w /residorg-php-restyling/colmelit/web/encoder -it docker-residorg-2020-web npm run docs **************************************JIRA********************************************************************************************************************************** For fixing jira issues: -add new release (name_version) with status unrelased -for each jira, choose version belong(name_version) for value of Fix version -When finishing all debugs, set release status to released after updating application /*************************When you want to ignore files after commit********************************/ git add -u git reset -- main/dontcheckmein.txt ***************************Dirty************************* Pour ignorer tous les fichiers non suivis dans n'importe quel sous-module, utilisez la commande suivante pour ignorer ces modifications. git config --global diff.ignoreSubmodules dirty Il ajoutera l'option de configuration suivante à votre configuration git locale: [diff] ignoreSubmodules = dirty