/***************AFTER CREATING BRANCH**************************/ 1) msg git commit : create new branch : feature/RR- 2) git push -u origin feature/RR- /*********TO SEE THE CURRENT BRANCH***********/ git branch --show-current /*********TO SEE ALL BRANCHS WITH LOGS************/ gitk --all /*******REMOVING BRANCH***************************/ git branch -d git push origin --delete feature/RR-864 /********CREATE BRANCH FROM COMMIT***********************/ 1 / git checkout master 2 / git pull 2 / git branch BRANCH_NAME 3 / git checkout BRANCH_NAME 4 / git cherry-pick COMMIT_VALUE 4 bis / if asked make cherry-pick --continue 5 / git push /*************MERGE/PUBLISH BRANCH************************/ A : in files/residorg-php-restyling : 1- git checkout next 3- git pull 4- git submodule update --recursive 4bis - git commit 5- git merge feature/RR-1225 6- git tag 1.14.6 7- git push && git push origin 1.14.6 B : docker-residorg-2020-web root : 1- git checkout next 2 - git pull 3 - git commit -a -m "update app to tag 1.14.6" 4 - git tag 1.2-1.14.6 5 - git push && git push origin 1.2-1.14.6 /*********MODIFICATION OF BRANCH NAME**********/ git branch -m feature/RR-593 feature/RR-593OLD /********Reset from master********/ tortio => reset mastr to this